Domes, G., Schulze, L., Böttger, M., Grossmann, A., Hauenstein, K, Wirtz, P.H., Heinrichs, M, Herpertz, S.C. (2010). The neural correlates of sex differences in emotional reactivity and emotion regulation. Hum Brain Mapp (31(5):758-69. (IF: 4.530) [Link]
Redwine, L.S., Wirtz, P.H., Hong, S., Pandzic, I., Cammarata, S., Tafur, J., Carter, S.M., Greenberg, B. & Mills, P.J. (2009). A potential shift from adaptive immune activity to non-specific inflammatory activation associated with higher depression symptoms in congestive heart failure patients. J Card Fail 15(7):607-15. (IF: 3.765) [Link]
Wirtz, P.H. & Von Känel, R. (2009). Bedeutung sozialer Stressoren in der Hämostase und für koronare Herzerkrankung. In: Wippert & Beckmann (Eds): Stress- und Schmerzursachen verstehen. Gesundheitspsychologie und –soziologie in Prävention und Rehabilitation, S.127-145. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany. [Link]
Wirtz, P.H., Ehlert, U., S., Baertschi, C.,& Von Känel, R. (2009). Changes in plasma lipids with psychosocial stress are related to hypertension status and the norepinephrine stress response. Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 58:30-37. (IF: 5.777) [Link]
Wirtz, P.H., Hong, S., Redwine, L.S., Tafur, J., Rutledge, T., Ziegler, M., Greenberg, B., Mills, P.J. (2009). Depressive symptoms are associated with soluble P-selectin (sP-selectin) reactivity to acute exercise in heart failure. Biological Psychiatry 65(9): 801-807. (IF: 11.412) [Link]
Wirtz, P.H., Redwine, L.S., Ehlert, U. & Von Känel R. (2009). Independent association between lower level of social support and higher coagulation activity before and after acute psychosocial stress. Psychosomatic Medicine 71(1):30-7. (IF: 3.863) [Link]
Rimmele, U., Spillmann, M., Bärtschi, C., Wolf, O.T., Ehlert, U. & Wirtz, P.H. (2009). Melatonin improves memory acquisition under stress independent of stress hormone release. Psychopharmacology 202:663-672. (IF: 3.765) [Link]
Wirtz, P.H., Elsenbruch, S., Ehlert, U. (2009). Self-criticism and sympathetic stress reactivity. Psychosomatic Medicine 71:588-590. (Invited commentary). (IF: 3.863) [Link]
Rimmele, U., Seiler, R., Marti, B., Wirtz, P.H., Ehlert, U. & Heinrichs, M. (2009). The level of physical activity affects adrenal and cardiovascular reactivity to and recovery from psychosocial stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology 34:190-198. (IF: 4.788) [Link]
Wirtz, P.H., Redwine, L.S., Baertschi, C., Spillmann, M., Ehlert, U. & Von Känel R. (2008). Coagulation activity before and after acute psychosocial stress increases with age. Psychosom Med 70:476-481. (IF: 3.863) [Link]
Wirtz, P.H., Baertschi, C., Spillmann, M., Ehlert, U. & Von Känel, R. (2008). Effect of oral melatonin on the procoagulant response to acute psychosocial stress in healthy men: a randomized placebo-controlled study. J Pineal Res 44(4): 358-365. (IF: 10.391) [Link]
Wirtz, P.H., Ehlert, U., Emini, L. & Suter, T. (2008). Higher body mass index (BMI) is associated with reduced glucocorticoid inhibition of inflammatory cytokine production following acute psychosocial stress in men. Psychoneuroendocrinology 33:1102-1110. (IF: 4.788) [Link]
Wirtz, P.H., Siegrist, J., Rimmele, U. & Ehlert, U. (2008). Higher overcommitment to work is associated with lower norepinephrine secretion before and after acute psychosocial stress in men. Psychoneuroendocrinology 33: 92-99. (IF: 4.788) [Link]
Wirtz, P.H., Spillmann, M., Bärtschi, C., Ehlert, U. & Von Känel, R. (2008). Oral Melatonin Reduces Blood Coagulation Activity: a Placebo-Controlled Study in Healthy Young Men. J Pineal Res 44: 127-133. (IF: 10.391) [Link]
Nierop, A., Wirtz, P.H., Bratsikas, A., Zimmermann, R. & Ehlert, U. (2008). Stress-Buffering Effects of Psychosocial Resources on Physiological and Psychological Stress Response in Pregnant Women. Biol Psychol 78:261-268. (IF: 3.070) [Link]
Wirtz, P.H., Von Känel, R., Emini, L., Ruedisueli, K., Groessbauer, S., Maercker, A.,& Ehlert, U. (2007). Evidence for altered hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis functioning in systemic hypertension: blunted cortisol response to awakening and lower negative feedback sensitivity. Psychoneuroendocrinology 32:430-436. (IF: 4.788) [Link]
Wirtz, P.H., Elsenbruch, S., Emini, L., Ruedisueli, K., Groessbauer, S. & Ehlert, U. (2007). Perfectionism and the Cortisol Response to Psychosocial Stress In Men. Psychosom Med 69:249-255. (IF: 3.863) [Link]
Wirtz, P.H., Ehlert, U., Emini, L., Ruedisueli, K., Groessbauer, S. & Von Känel, R. (2007). Procoagulant stress reactivity and recovery in apparently healthy men with systolic and diastolic hypertension. J Psychosom Res 63:51-58. (IF: 2.809) [Link]
Wirtz, P.H., Von Känel, R., Emini, L., Suter, T., Fontana, A.,& Ehlert, U. (2007). Variations in anticipatory cognitive stress appraisal and differential proinflammatory cytokine expression in response to acute stress. Brain Behav Immun 21:851-859. (IF: 5.964) [Link]
Wirtz, P.H., Von Känel, R., Mohiyeddini, C., Emini, L., Ruedisueli, K., Groessbauer, S. & Ehlert, U. (2006). Low social support and poor emotional regulation are associated with increased stress hormone reactivity to mental stress in systemic hypertension. J Clin Endocrinol and Metab 91(10):3857-3865. (IF: 5.455) [Link]