Auer, A., von Känel, R., Lang, I., Thomas, L., Zuccarella-Hackl, C., Degroote, C., Gideon, A., Wiest, R., & Wirtz, P. H.

Do hypertensive men spy with an angry little eye? Anger recognition in men with essential hypertension-cross-sectional and prospective findings.

Auer, A., von Känel, R., Lang, I., Thomas, L., Zuccarella-Hackl, C., Degroote, C., ... & Wirtz, P. H. (2022). Do hypertensive men spy with an angry little eye? Anger recognition in men with essential hypertension-cross-sectional and prospective findings. Annals of behavioral medicine. https://academic.oup.com/abm/advance-article/doi/10.1093/abm/kaab108/6552100?guestAccessKey=fcb8243a-ecce-48b6-b6e7-6ceb1cee7dee