External funding

Research areas 
Research projects 
External funding 
Measuring instruments and procedures 
Scientific links

German Research Foundation (DFG)

Major Research Instrumentation “Immunologisch-biologische Verarbeitungs- und Analyseeinheit” (immunological-biological processing and analysis unit)

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)

“Psychoneurobiological mechanisms in essential hypertension and coronary heart disease”

“The effects of alpha-adrenergic blockade on norepinephrine-induced changes in blood lipids, procoagulant activity, and inflammatory cytokines in essential hypertension”

Heart failure study

Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg

Structure and Innovation Fund Baden-Württemberg (SI-BW)

German Scholars Organization

German Scholars Organization

Hector Foundation

Hector Foundation

Swiss Foundation of the Cocoa and Chocolate Industry

“Can dark chocolate protect against stress? The effects of a single serving of dark chocolate on psychobiological stress reactivity in humans” (2009-2014)

Inselspital Bern

Additional funding in the context of the SNF project “Psychoneurobiological mechanisms in essential hypertension and coronary heart disease” (2011-2018)

Additional funding in the context of the SNF project “The effects of alpha-adrenergic blockade on norepinephrine-induced changes in blood lipids, procoagulant activity, and inflammatory cytokines in essential hypertension” (2009-2013)

Preliminary study for the project “The effects of alpha-adrenergic blockade on norepinephrine-induced changes in blood lipids, procoagulant activity, and inflammatory cytokines in essential hypertension” (2007-2008)

Foundation for Research in Science and the Humanities at the University of Zurich

“Psychophysiological factors of stress reactivity in hypertensive individuals” (2003-2005)

“Melatonin and psychobiological stress reactivity – can Melatonin protect against stress?” (2005-2008)